Virtual meeting for the harmonization of actions in the field of plant protection
Ahead of the Commission on Phytosanitary measures (CPM15) slated for March and April, AU-IAPSC today hosted a virtual meeting for Africa-IPPC contracting parties, to deliberate and harmonize views for common position for Africa as a region, .
This was a follow-up and extended version of the deliberations, as at the end of February, AU-IAPSC also engaged Member States and other stakeholders to a lengthy discussions on the issues that affect Africa, in preparation for the same CPM 15.
Among key topics discussed were the need for sustainability models and innovations that ensure conformity of modern standards and systems in enhancing safe trade in plants and plant products.
Top on the agenda was also implementation of e-phyto solution, which necessitates both the Member States and other stakeholders to embrace the digital way of operations, in response to the global technological trends.
Members also called for establishment of working groups, which they believe, would help propel innovations that respond to the fast-changing rate of digital processes and systems, which have not spared the plant health sector.
In the same line, participants were called to be forward thinking by making concrete proposals in addressing challenges of managing the spread of emerging pests and the damage it causes to plants.
At the preparatory meeting, African Union Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (ARBE), Her Excellency Madame Josepha Correia Sacko acknowledged the important role AU-IAPSC is playing in facilitating the protection of Africa’s plant resources from pests, thereby promoting crops production, food security, facilitating trade and protecting the environment.
She further advised challenged the Member States to ensure that deliberations and proposals address the challenges related to the implementation of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (SPS) while also taking full advantage of opportunities brought about by the Africa Continental free Trade Area (AfCFTA) which she said has the huge potential to lifting Africa out of poverty.