The African Union Department of Agriculture Rural Development Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (ARBE), African Union Development Agency- New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD) and Partners, have the honor to…
FAO and AU-IAPSC will host a workshop on “Enhancing the Capacity of National Plant Protection Organizations and Other Stakeholders on pest modelling for Early Warning, preparedness, and Decision-making.”
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the African Union Inter-African Phytosanitary Council (AU-IAPSC) will, from October 11 through 16, 2024, hold a workshop on “Enhancing…
FAO and AU-IAPSC to host a workshop on “Enhancing the Capacity of National Plant Protection Organizations and Other Stakeholders on pest modelling for Early Warning, preparedness, and Decision-making.”
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the African Union Inter-African Phytosanitary Council (AU-IAPSC) will, from September 23 through 27, 2024, hold a workshop on “Enhancing…
La SPA 2022-2036 du CPI-UA sera lancée le 30 juillet à Addis-Abeba, en Éthiopie, au siège de l’UA, dans la *Small Conference Hall 3
La SPA 2022-2036 du CPI-UA sera lancée le 30 juillet à Addis-Abeba, en Éthiopie, au siège de l’UA, dans la *Small Conference Hall 3
AU-IAPSC’s 2022-2036 PHSA will be launched on July 30th in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, AU Headquarters, Small Conference Hall 3
AU-IAPSC’s 2022-2036 PHSA will be launched on July 30th in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, AU Headquarters, Small Conference Hall 3.
Celebrating the International Day of Plant Health 2024
The International Day of Plant Health 2024, organized by the Interafrican Phytosanitary Council of African Union (AU-IAPSC) concluded on a satisfactory note and further commitment of all stakeholders in the…
Plant Health Strategy for Africa implementation under review
Plant Health Strategy for Africa implementation under review AU-IAPSC has this week brought together African member states and key players & partners in the plant health sector to jointly review,…
AU-IAPSC commits to double plant health efforts in Africa
Inter-African Phytosanitary Council of the African Union (AU-IAPSC), has reiterated its commitment to ensuring that African member states and regional economic communities (RECs) are thoroughly supported in their various efforts…
African members states drilled in Pest Risk Analysis for trade facilitation
African member states drilled in Pest Risk Analysis for trade facilitation Over 20 plant health scientists and experts from African member states have convened in Cameroon’s economic capital Douala, for…
Sub-region calls for a harmonized system in pesticide management
A harmonized approach in pest control among various stakeholders is pivotal in sustainable pesticide management in order to achieve food security across the African continent. This was emphasized at a…
Fall Armyworm fight still demands concerted efforts, AU-IAPSC
African Union Inter-African Phytosanitary Council (AU-IAPSC) has called on stakeholders in the Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control (GA) and the entire plant health sector not to sleep on their…
RPPOs convene in Colombia for inter-regional cooperation
RPPOs convene in Colombia for inter-regional cooperation AU-IAPSC is taking part in the 35th Technical Consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations (TC-RPPOs) which is currently underway in Bogotá Colombia. The…