Completed Projects

Build member states capacity on integrated Pest Management strategies and implementation of IPM for sustainable agriculture.

Mainstream SPS in country CAADP investment plans and development of SPS information systems and enhancing advocacy, awareness and communications to ensure sufficient safe biological control agents are available to manage plant with a continental training.

Strengthen member states and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) capacity to control migratory and transboundary pests; case study of Fall Army Worm.

Review and update member states plant quarantine legislation and laws in compliance with international requirements. Strengthening their capacity on Invasive Alien Plants (IAP) Risk. Risks Assessment and management.

Improve member states capacity building in Phytosanitary standards setting through the organization of the IPPC`s workshop for the comments and review of 2020 draft ISPMs and specifications in Africa.

Promote member states on standards setting process for CPM-15;-Participation to CPM-15, Technical Consultation among RPPOs and standards committee and SPS standards committee meetings; participation of IAPSC to International Year of Plant Health in 2020.