Fall Army Worm Management
IAPSC has sought to strengthen the capacity as well as enhance the establishment of systems and mechanisms of Member States to facilitate sustainable management of the Fall Army Worm (FAW) in the region.
At the onset of the FAW outbreak, chemical pesticides were the first
management option. They were however found to be neither sustainable nor particularly effective at combating FAW. Smallholder farmers quickly realized that local solutions were more effective while having a less hazardous impact on the environment.
A number of meetings and workshops have seen Member States’ monitoring and surveillance mechanisms for FAW enhanced. Within the FAO-TCP and in joint collaboration with several partner organizations, IAPSC promoted the uptake and up-scaling of the local farmers’ FAW management practices and solutions.
IAPSC advocated for and encouraged Member States to adopt FAO FAW Monitoring and Early Warning System (FAMEWS), Plant Health Clinics and Farmer Field Schools. Bio-pesticides, plant extracts, cultural practices such as Push–Pull Technology and use of natural enemies are promising management options for FAW.