Celebrating the International Day of Plant Health 2024

Celebrating the International Day of Plant Health 2024

The International Day of Plant Health 2024, organized by the Interafrican Phytosanitary Council of African Union (AU-IAPSC) concluded on a satisfactory note and further commitment of all stakeholders in the Plant Heath Community to support sustainable agriculture for safe trade and nutrition security.

Across all regional plant protection organizations, the International Day of Plant Health 2024 was celebrated under the theme of “Plant health, safe trade and digital technology.” The focus was on raising awareness and taking action to promote healthy plants, ensure food safety, and facilitate safe trade for sustainable economies and livelihoods. Various activities and events were organized to highlight the importance of plant health and the role of digital technology in safeguarding plants. Overall, the celebrations aimed to emphasize the critical need for improved communication, collaboration and action to protect plant health and support sustainable agriculture.

The event took place on May 15th, instead of the dedicated May 12th, owing to conflicting agendas at AU-IAPSC, around a Webinar organized on the occasion with distinguished speakers across the continent who made outstanding presentations. The presentations and related agenda are shown below:

  • Topic 1: Intelligent Systems in Pest Management: The Intersection of AI and Biological Control for Plant Health and Trade Safety, by Mr.Komi Agboka (icipe)
  • Topic 2: The role of digital technology in enhancing timely plant health management, by Mrs. Raymonda Johnson (NPPO, Sierra Leone)
  • Topic 3: The role of communication in Plant health management, by Claude Tenkeu (AU-IAPSC)
  • Topic 4: Advancing Plant health in Africa: Harnessing Digital Technology for safe trade, by Fernadis Makale (CABI)
  • Topic 5: The AfCFTA catalysing trade in plants and plants products, by Diana Akullo (AU-AfCFTA)
  • Topic 6: Agroecology : Future of Sustainable Plant Health and Nutrition, by Derrick Ngigi HSC (PurePlant Organics)
  • Topic 7: ephyto application for enhanced food security, agricultural productivity, plant health and trade facilitation, by Josiah Syanda (KEPHIS)

More that 150 participants took part in the online event with resounding contributions that brought forth seminal scientific ideas to rekindle plant health endeavours across the continent.

As the event came to a close around 5:30 pm, participants’ enthusiasm could still be felt with even more willingness to further discussions.speakers

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