Africa celebrates the 60th anniversary of the OAU-AU

Africa celebrates the 60th anniversary of the OAU-AU

Today the 25th of May, we join the African continent in celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) and its successor, the African Union.

It was on this date in 1963, that 32 Heads of independent African States met in Addis Ababa Ethiopia along with leaders from African liberation movements to craft a way forward for Africa’s complete independence from imperialism, colonialism and apartheid.

The OAU was formed as a manifestation of the pan-African vision for an Africa that was united, free and in control of its own destiny and this was solemnised in the OAU Charter which was adopted on May 25 #AfricaDay, 1963.

The celebration of the 60th anniversary is an opportunity to recognize the role and contribution of the founders of the continental organization and many other Africans on the continent and in the diaspora who have contributed greatly to the political liberation of the
continent, and equally, to the socio-economic emancipation of Africa.

At AU-IAPSC, we celebrate our strides and success stories in the promotion of plant health in Africa through capacity building process, prevention of the introduction and spread of exotic and invasive plant pests, and increase in intra and intercontinental market access.

The day is also an opportunity to share information, knowledge and best practices of the past and to encourage each other to take on the vision of the AU, as well as to drive the realization of the “Africa We Want”, under Agenda 2063.


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